I've recently had loads of questions about what I eat. It seems very easy for me now being in my 4th month 100% but I was once had the same questions so here is a list of what I eat daily.
Apples -Most mornings.
Bananas -Most mornings and lunch. They're quick and not messy when squished in a backpack when firmer.
Cashews- Had to cut back personally b/c I LOVE cashews and can't stop once I start. lol
Bubbies pickles -Cut them up and throw them in a salad. Also we make a notta tuna dish with these but I can't stop grabbing one or two( or 3 or 6) when T starts making food.
Carrots -Most days I put these in a salad or T who insists on gourmet food frequently puts them in her many amazing dishes. For me its quick fuel baby! I grab and go.Carrots are quick and easy.
Almonds - Every other day when working out pretty hard.
Lettuce -I like to switch it up but kale is big in the raw community.
Olives- There is a company out there that has raw olives. I thinks its sants barbara in a glass container.Many more are on the rise.
Tomatoes -Grape tomatoes most of the time because they are easy to carry with you as a snack.
Nori wraps -For nori rolls, I put any kind of veggi I can find into them. T makes an awesome nut sauce that is supposed to taste like cheese, and it does.
Mushrooms -Originally they were'nt my thing but recently they have gained a special place on my dinnerplate.T marinates them in olive oil and with braggs and WOW... you've never had a mushroom this good. They taste cooked.
Oranges and Grapefruits -Everyday being that we are in FL and they are in season.
Starfruit - T has an eye like a hawk and finds these trees everywhere. So... I have to eat them the mornings she makes smoothies. They are great when they're super ripe but any other time I can't take the sourness.
Lara bars -Publix and every health store in our area has them. When I can't get to good food I stop and grab a few.
Coconut water/Milk- LOVE LOVE LOVE coconut water and can't live without it. If your buying it I'd make sure it just says Coconut water. You can also make your own milk too! They have amazing nutrional and other values.
Date rolls -NEW- This is new to my diet. I eat dates in my Lara Bars and the other bars I make when I can, but this is pure date and some coconut sprinkles on top. Pretty good stuff Natures Finest has them but I haven't seen them else where. No date rolls on the road I guess.
I have not used sea salt or pepper in 2months not for any real reason but that my food has been just fine without it. For beginners it helps to add a little since the transition can be stressful on your taste buds. All in all I eat a lot of salad, smoothies, nuts and pieces of fruit. I like simple things and don't like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. T is the chef of our pair so she makes sure I have different things other than just an apple or banana. Together we make a great team. A sort of yin/yang. We balance each other very well. If you have any more questions let drop us a line!