Q and A

Why are you doing this?
For the prevention, education, and reversal of diabetes and other food and exercise related illnesses.

How far do you ride a day?
between 35-80 miles a day.

When did you start?
July 7th 2010 

What made you do this?
There are several reasons but we both have family that have died needlessly to diseases that could be prevented or reversed by lifestyle changes. 

Where are you going and why?
Seattle, Washington because it will allow us to hit a lot of major cities and reach a wide variety of people. 

Where do you sleep?
We try to contact the city before we arrive and let them know what we are doing, why, and to see if there is accommodations that can be offered. If not we rely on the kindness of the people in the communities or camp. 

How do you spread your message?
We speak to people along the way and communities that we are in. We keep a blog to connect it all. ( http://www.rawroamers.blogspot.com/) you can also find us on facebook at raw roamer where we give frequent updates and fans can communicate where they would like to see us go or family members they would like us to help.

How long do you stay in each town/city?
It depends on the place and our accommodations.

How can you afford to do this?
The honest answer is we can't unless we receive support from people like you. We want to finish and we want to raise as much money as possible to help as many people as possible. It's all a learning process and in the end we hope it pans out but it really depends on if the people care. 

How do you map your route?
Each night we map out where we are going to go using google, phone gps, and ask the locals which route is the best for cyclists.

What city will you be in next?

How do you protect yourselves?

Where do you ride?
In the street through towns but most times back roads. You tend to see more of the people that way.

How do you find people to stay with?
Friends of friends a lot of the times and through this site. Also just running into locals and sometimes it just happens. Most recently when we stopped for a stay at The Hostel in the Forest. We ended up staying and helping out for about 5days and cooked a healthy meal for around 30 visitors after there sweat lodge ceremony.

How long will you be on the road?
Until November by then we should be in Seattle, Washington.

An amazing 14 year old in Baxley, GA named Morgan asked us a great question that took us a minute to answer. She asked what she (her youth group) could take from us.

Our answer is: You don't  see two African American women cycling across country but we are. I  think it means that you can do, be and have anything in this world. If you ask you will receive and you don't have to be in tip top shape to get the job done you just have to have determination

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809 east bloomingdale avenue
Brandon FL, 33511