Today we set off from Atlanta with the goal of riding across the Alabama border. To make a very long story short, we didn't didn't reach that goal but for good reason, here's why. We said farewell to the family that hosted us in Atlanta for 3 days and set off into unknown territory. About 5 miles into the ride we came across a man (identified later as Bob"phatboy" Carter) on a very interesting street strider. Come to find out he has already done one cross country trip and in about a week will be commencing a second tour of 50 KM ride – 50 City – 50 Days. His mission is to become physically fit and to raise awareness of America’s battle of the bulge.
We spoke with him for over an hour and could have kept talking we but we all had things to achieve that day. In what seemed to be only a five minute conversation we got some excellent encouragement, advice and new friendship. Bob Carter, you brought the warmth to a chilly morning!

If you know anything about Gaby and I then you know we believe in manifestation.We decided that we needed water bottle holders. So riding on the trail and getting a huge pep talk from Bob I built up some courage to ask the bike shop for the water holders.What do you know!!! Not only did we get 4 holders, we got 4 water bottles to go in them!! A big thanks to Silver Comet Depot Cycles(SCD Cycles). We can't thank you enough!!
The next notable thing that happened to us today will probably be the most memorable thing to me. While continuing our ride we rode past a small group of people gathered on the side of the trail. I turned saw a woman lying prone(face down) and tangled in her bike. I assumed that she just had a fall and would get back up, but she wasn't moving. I jumped off my bike and helped free her from the bike. A man who we had just spoken to 5 minutes earlier yelled she's unresponsive. Me having graduated E.M.T school knew that this was a serious situation. I yelled let's check her A.B.C's( airway, breathing, circulation). We rolled her over only to reveal a cyanotic(blue) face. Her airway was blocked, she was not breathing and she had no pulse. The man next to me gave a couple of breaths I began doing chest compressions.I could feel her ribs break underneath the pressure of the compressions, this is common in C.P.R. He gave more breaths but I noticed that the air was going to her stomach, not what she needed. When air goes to the stomach it causes the involuntary vomiting. Needless to say she was vomiting. I tried to readjust her head but I could not get her tongue out of her airway. So while giving breaths I took a risk with mouth-to-mouth but not doing it wasn't an option. We gave her C.P.R. for about ten minutes.She never regained a pulse. Finally E.M.S showed up. Unfortunately there was only one of them. I continued C.P.R while he inserted an airway device. After 3 minutes or so he had the bag valve in place but I was still doing chest compressions. He hooked the A.E.D (what shocks you) and gave 3 shocks. The rest of his crew finally arrived and took over the scene. They were not able to get a pulse either, not even after intubation. Then they took her to the hospital. All the while from start to departure her husband was watching the whole thing. He was so cool,calm and collected the whole time. I think he was actually in shock. Anyone I know would have been hysterical,but my dad and I. Come to find out the man who I was doing C.P.R was a doctor. We both came to the same assessment of the situation. Her survival looked really grim. She was pulseless for over 15 minutes the last we saw. I hope we are wrong though. I can only imagine what her husband is going through, survival or not. One minute you are enjoying a picture perfect day and the next minute... So, go home, pick up the phone, do what you have to do and tell the people you love "I LOVE YOU"!!! You never know if you will ever get another chance to.
To top the whole day off we got a very nice complimentary hotel room. Thanks Econo Lodge of Rockmart,GA. I truly recommend this hotel. The ladies at the front desk are angels and will take very good care of you. The rooms are clean and modern. Theres free wifi too for the touring cyclist. Anyway I don't want to sound cheezy but tell'em we sent ya!