Monday, February 1, 2010

T's before and after photos!

Three years ago I hit the peak of my physique. I was 130 lbs with six pack abs and cannon’s for arms. I looked forward to the opportunity of taking my shirt off any where just so I could show the world what I was working with. I was very proud of myself and very confident of what my body could do. I knew that I had only gotten to this point by running, doing crunches and a few other work outs. I was running 5 miles with no problem and felt like I could do anything. When I left Orlando and moved back home to St. Petersburg I noticed a little weight gain. I told myself that it was nothing and that I would get it under control and return to my prime self. That day never came until over a year and a half later and damn near 35 lbs heftier. The difference was food and exercise. In Orlando I was eating very well and exercising vigorously. That went to eating like my body was starving and not exercising unless it was walking my dog. I tried to change it by eating less but that didn’t work. I went on a will testing month long juice fast and lost 20 lbs but gained it all back plus some. So I exercised more but still didn’t see the change that I wanted. The ultimate problem was the food that I was eating. While on my own I bought all my own food and hardly ate processed food or junk food with the exception of some soy products. I was very healthy. But back in the comforts of home I found myself eating what my family ate plus some. I looked in the mirror one day at m girlfriend’s house and was shocked at what I saw. I felt disgusting. Even then, that didn’t change me. It wasn’t until I moved to Hawaii and started to eat almost exclusively from a home grown garden did I start to see my real self emerge. Junk foods were seldom consumed and I cooked the majority of our food. I could feel and see the results of eating a huge plant based diet (lifestyle).

I can remember eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family a couple months before I left. My uncle commented that I had gained a lot of weight and how did I do so being a vegetarian. In response I told him that I eat everything that you do besides the meat. Being who I am of course I was upset but not upset enough to fully change my life. I knew how to eat properly but for some reason failed. It could have been due to a lack of will, caring or motivation. Now I have the motivation to do what I need to keep losing the weight I want plus stay where I need to be. That comment gets to me in a good way now. What was I thinking! To me eating mostly plants is the key. I still lost weight eating cooked veggies and fresh fruit but I prefer all raw food now. It has so many pros and no cons that my mind can conceive. Give it a try and I’m sure you will feel the same way too.
2 years ago                                                                      


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