10 Ways To Eat Better
Everyone asks us how we eat. So today we decided to stop and take a minute to let you guys know the top 10 ten ways we started to eat better and teach our families to do so as well.
- Eat 30% more whole, unprocessed foods
Its less of a shock to your system than just jumping in.Plus you're more likely to stick with it.
- Minimize the fat in that pantry
The more fatty foods you have in the home, the more likely you are to binge eat or say those magic words. Oh, I'll just have one...two...eight...next thing you know the whole bag is gone. Don't allow the not so good food items to be too accessible.
Most of the time when you think your hungry you're really thirsty. Dehydration can lead to over eating, fatigue, headaches, and mood swings and more, in adults and children alike. Carrying your water bottle everywhere (so we have learned being on the road) keeps you aware of your thirst and quenches it. Try it you'll see!
- Shop the outside perimeter of the grocery store
As T says "Thats where all the goodness is". No really, purchasing from the perimeter means your cart will have more fresh ingredients. Why? You have the fruits, veggies ,fresh cut meats and cheese. Your less likely to pick up the more processed foods this way.
- Drink a hot liquid after each meal
This is a personal practice of ours. It generally makes the meal feel complete. Tea's tend to soothe after a long days work and can calm you before bed.

- Carry a snack pack for your busy day
Most families will tell you this one practice makes a huge difference. Carry a few apples, bananas, grapes for you and the kids. It's too easy and harmful to pull in to a fast food joint and "fill" up on a burger and fries. Carrying your snacks will save you money and calories to burn later.
- Incorporate raw foods into your everyday
Raw foods can be more than just salads and veggie sticks. You will find yourself amazed at the sights,tastes,and fulfillment of raw food. Or just keep it simple and eat a salad or have a smoothie.Find your local Raw Food restaurant and be aware how they change the way you view fruits and veggies. Happy Cow gives a list of restaurant available in your area.
This is a raw desert. See I told you raw food is no joking matter.
Gardens can be big or small, but which ever you choose they can yield great rewards! Maybe start with some onions and lettuce. Two very simple crops that make a world of a difference when in your reach.
- Eat small amounts frequently
We've all been told to eat several small snacks between meals. And we agree. Its never been so clear to us that eating small snacks between your bigger meals keeps you from gorging on the not so good stuff. Stay away from such heavy meals that make you want to sleep afterwards.
Vegetable juice can be delicious. Try lots of different types of greens with a little carrot and some beets. It'll sweeten it up and you'll still get your greens. Green smoothies can do the trick as well if you don't have a juicer.
Yall are my heroes. Way to eat and way to ride!