Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bike Tour: What we think we need to start.

  1. Panniers :    
    Gaby needs front and rear rack, front rear and handle bar panniers. (searching craigslist asap.)
    T needs front rack, front and handle bar panniers. (again searching craigslist)
  2. Helmets
  3. Light *for night riding.
  4. Milk crates
  5. Water bottle holders *I think 3 each
  6. Rim * T's is bend
  7. Air pump *for on the road
  8. Multi tool kit * For me I loose everything.
  9. Florida Map
  10. Something for protection. * Maybe a knife or gun?
  11. Clothes * I think I want to get some shirts made.

  12. Food * of course
    I'm not sure what clothes to take but I no I need those butt pad shorts! Wouldn't it be wonderful if they made me look like I had hips… Hmmmm I'll have to see about that.
*UPDATE!I got my rear rack last weekend from a garage sale for FREE! I wish I could thank the family again and again. It ment so much to me. The whole family got involved. They brought us tools to get the old rack off of the even older bike. This was no easy chore. Some of the screws just weren't in agreement with the whole thing. Anyways not only did they help and give it to us for free; The whole family made sure we had oranges. Kids in range from 3 to 10 were climbing like monkeys and the father and grandma were jumping around the tree. The mom even came out with a ladder for me. What a morning! I'll never forget how I got that rack and just so you no the best oranges in life are free. Manifest your day!


  1. Rim * T's is bend

    what size? I have 1 broken 26" 10 speed, you can take parts off of and a spare 26" 12 speed rear rim.

  2. I just came across your blog while searching for something else. What a great adventure you will have! I have a dream to someday cross the country by bike. My longest so far was 9 days around Southern UT. By far, the best vacation I have ever had, despite how hard it was.

    I am in the middle of a kitchen renovation and everything has been taken out. I don't know when I'll be getting my stove or sink back. In the mean time, I'm eating a ton of produce and lost some weight without even trying so I am looking more into the raw food diet. I can't imagine ever going 100% raw but it's definitely worth investigating.

    When are you lanning on leaving? I want to follow along here.

  3. I met both of you today on the Silver Comet trail. We were at a store just off the trail and I had the bike with the funny looking wheels (no spokes..just 3 blades on each. Did you find a good camp site down the trail another 10 miles. I'll be following your adventures. Headed to facebook next so I'll see you there.
    Richard Reid


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