Monday, February 1, 2010

31 Days Raw! We made it but not without struggle. Now run.

Raw January 31st 2010

Today was our last day eating any animal products at all. The only thing that we have been holding onto is cheese. We have been dependant on it to hold us over like a baby and its pacifier. It’s kind of pathetic actually to witness. It is always in the front of my mind when I prep meals but I don’t miss it when we don’t have it, at least not too much anyway. But I know this has been a long time coming. First I gave up red meat, and then it was poultry, then seafood. But the time has finally come where I feel comfortable enough to drop my last “bad habit” of eating the milk from any animal, be it raw or not. I always tell people when we discuss milk and such that whom ever was the first person to pull on a cows nipples and drink the white, sticky stuff that came out of it was a brave and strange mother…you know the rest. Then I proceed to say would you drink the milk of a monkey? Or even another person? For some reason the thought of drinking another humans milk freaks them out more than the monkey milk. Why, I don’t know cause it’s what we survived on for at least a year on this earth so we kinda should already have a taste for it. Anyway, back to what it has to do with us. It is the last step in our transformation on this food journey as far as excluding the harmful, processed foods. It may be hard but it is necessary. I can already feel some lonely wine in my belly ;-( But at the same time I can foresee the positive effects. Sticking to this lifestyle change will make it virtually impossible for me to gain weight (as long as I stay away from too many nuts). We can officially consider ourselves 100% RAW VEGANS!!

Running for the health of it.

The saying always goes “When one door closes another will open” is very true. In my case though the door has been wedged open trying to lasso me in for some time now. Back when I was living in Orlando a couple years ago I started to run, and I mean really run. I ran my longest distance at 5 miles and ran for over an hour at a time. That was when I was in the best shape of my life and felt the most positive about my body. Now 2 years later after a weight gain on 30 lbs and a loss of 20lbs I have dropped enough weight to where I feel comfortable to run again. I got the most awesome running shoes for Christmas and have only logged 1 disgraceful mile on them. Now it is time to get my 500 miles out of those bad boys. I plan on running at least one mile tomorrow and walking another mile. I will be training with Gaby so it should be a lot more fun than just doing a solo run. I have to think about some one besides myself. Gaby has never run like I have before so I guess you could consider her a beginner. Like I said I have some experience, plus I have completed a half marathon. Don’t worry about the time just know that I finished it, lol. So this should be very interesting for us. We have run once before on the same route we will be running tomorrow so it will be fascinating to see how far we get. It’s time to really get on the ball, and once this baby starts rolling with momentum…we ain’t stoppin’!

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